Asian dating login password

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Furthermore, LulzSec drew particular attention to various government and military email addresses. That must be an embarrassing one to explain to the boss.. If anything should be a reminder to internet users of the importance of using , this should be it. You can check out more on the and subscribe if you like Maybe that these people are using government resources ie. I am sure ther are strict regulations about using these accounts for personal and not business use. No to mention I have to wonder how many of them were enjoying these sites during business hours, when they are supposed to be serving the country. It seems something else is getting served and we are paying for it. While I support the idea of people using strong passwords, no password will protect you if the site database you entered your info is cracked and your password is freely published to the Web. I also don't really understand what Lulzsec's point is anymore. If they're trying to educate the public about the dangers of supplying personal information to sites that utilize poor security, they've chosen a backasswards way of doing it. Jack asked what the point of LulzSec was anymore. There is no point. I do agree with anonymous though. It is in the name… LULZ — Losers United Lacking Zyprexa Get a job, move out of mommy's basement and contribute something useful to society. If the only way you can feel good about yourself or have a LULZ is to tear down something that someone else has built then you have serious issues. The good news is… they make medication for that. People choose ridiculous passwords, this is true and will continue to do so until someone invents a better way. As soon as new technology comes out to replace passwords, these guys will be busy busy trying to break it too. Armchair Vandals, nothing more!

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